Get All Your Trial Discovery With the Help of a Lawyer in Palatka


The idea that all are “innocent until proven guilty” is the basis for our entire legal system. At its core, that philosophy means an accused individual is entitled to a fair trial, and that means the prosecutor has to follow the rules. If there are discovery violations, your lawyer in Palatka will be able to file an immediate motion to remedy that situation. Depending on the severity of those violations, it could mean a mistrial. Working with an experienced attorney in Palatka on your case could make all the difference when it comes to uncovering these violations.

Rights to Reports

Just as your lawyer in Palatka will build your defense, the prosecutor will be assembling their case. Included in that case could be reports created by expert witnesses. As a defendant, you and your lawyer in Palatka are entitled to copies of those reports. These can include:

  • Results and findings of any physical or mental exam;
  • Scientific tests and reports relating to collected evidence; or
  • Additional expert reports prepared for the trial.

Additional Discovery Rules

As your lawyer in Palatka will inform you, you are also entitled to receive an expert witness’s resume to see just why he or she is qualified to testify. This could have a big impact if your attorney in Palatka is able to call into question the validity of an expert’s findings. Not only will your lawyer in Palatka have permission to review the expert’s qualifications, but they are also allowed access to all the notes and data used to support their findings.

You’ll need this data if your attorney in Palatka wants to conduct their own tests to dispute those findings. All of these discovery reports need to be presented before the trial starts. Having a “surprise” in court could be grounds of a mistrial or dismissal.

Retain a Lawyer in Palatka for a Strong Defense

Your defense begins when you retain the services of an experienced lawyer in Palatka. Patrick Canan has extensive knowledge of how the criminal court system works and would be a strong ally for your defense. Call his offices at (904) 849-2266 to set up a consultation. Don’t put off a good defense.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15