Injury and Treatment: Photographic Evidence


In today’s visual world, personal injury trials often feature graphic and demonstrative evidence that showcase the plaintiff’s injuries and treatment. A personal injury lawyer in St. Augustine may discuss the possibility of using photographs to help prove the injuries that you suffered in the car accident. Using photographic evidence may be especially helpful when the part of the body that has been injured is in a location that modesty would generally prevent the victim from showing others. Photographic evidence is also important to show how an injury progresses as time goes on. There is often a long period of time between the actual injury and the trial. Having this evidence can help record this transition as evidence disappears or fades.

Obtaining Injury and Treatment Photographs

A personal injury lawyer in St. Augustine may express that it is best for you to take your own photographs of the injury and treatment that you receive. Although the quality may not be comparable to that of a professional photographer, pictures by victims may provide a more personal experience for the jury. Take pictures through each stage of your injury. For example, if you broke your arm in the car accident, take a picture of your arm while you have a cast on. Then, take another set of pictures when the cast is taken off. This later set of pictures may be able to depict skin lesions or atrophy that developed during the treatment period.

On some occasions, healthcare providers may take pictures of injuries. Plastic surgeons often take pictures of this nature during each treatment stage. They may also take pictures during operations to ensure the quality of their work. You may want to ask your healthcare provider for copies of any pictures of this nature. Then, be sure to provide them to your personal injury lawyer in St. Augustine.

Reasons to Use Photographs of Injuries and Treatment

Often in personal injury cases, a victim sustains injuries that may fade over time. For example, he or she may have a black eye or hematoma. Over time, these injuries may disappear. When a victim talks about the accident at trial, it may be difficult for the jury to imagine these injuries. However, a picture can graphically convey these injuries. They can also help the jury imagine the pain that a victim suffered. Additionally, pictures that show the treatment that a victim had to endure because of the accident are also important. A healthcare provider’s routine recitation of this treatment can be cold and boring to the jury. A picture can help demonstrate the pain and discomfort that went along with treatment. Photographs are often the best type of evidence to depict certain medical conditions, including chrondomalasia of the knee and scarring.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of including photographic evidence of your injuries and your treatment in your case, a personal injury attorney in St. Augustine may be able to help. Contact Attorneys at Canan Law by calling (904) 849-2266 and setting up a confidential appointment.

Canan Law

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