Working with Your Personal Injury Lawyer


If you have suffered an injury that was caused by another person’s negligent or intentional conduct, you have a right to compensation. Securing that right means finding the right personal injury attorney in St. Augustine. When accident victims try to represent themselves, the adverse party or the party’s insurer often refuses to pay or offers a woefully inadequate amount in view of the victim’s injuries and expenses.

What Does a Personal Injury Attorney in St. Augustine Cost?

As an accident victim, you have the luxury of consulting with more than one personal injury attorney before making your choice. You needn’t worry about breaking the bank. Law firms commonly take personal injury cases based on contingency fees; you don’t pay out-of-pocket for the initial consultation, future meetings, or the legal services the attorney performs. Rather, the attorney receives a percentage of the settlement amount negotiated prior to trial (or prior to the completion of trial) or the judgment awarded from trial. The percentage may vary, depending on the simplicity or complexity of a case. One-third of the net award is a typical figure.

Thus, unlike cases that are billed at an hourly rate, the attorney does not get paid unless you are paid.

Initial Consultation

Come prepared with questions. The attorney will listen to your story, provide you with feedback about your case, and answer any questions you may have. These consultations are confidential.

During the meeting, you will be discussing how, when, and where you were injured; your medical treatment; whether you missed work; and whether your injuries will require future care and future missed work. A personal injury attorney in St. Augustine may also inquire whether you were partially to blame for the accident and whether you previously sustained an injury to the same area of your body affected by the accident. It is important to be absolutely honest, even if the truth seems to hurt your case.

What you say will affect the accuracy of the case evaluation. The consultation gives you a chance to determine whether the attorney is right for you, and it also gives the attorney a chance to determine whether you and your the case are right for the attorney. Since the attorney will not be paid unless you win, the attorney may decline cases that he or she feels are unlikely to be successful.

If the attorney decides to take your case, he or she must know all the facts, good and bad, to bring your case to a successful conclusion. Clients make a big mistake by trying to hide “bad” facts. They will come out in the end and ruin your case if your attorney hasn’t had an opportunity to prepare for them.


As indicated above, attorneys are paid a percentage of the net award. The net award is calculated based upon the total reward minus the expenses. Expenses that a personal injury attorney in St. Augustine may charge against your award include:

  • Deposition fees
  • Expert and/or investigation fees
  • Costs of obtaining records and reports (e.g. medical records, police reports, incident reports)
  • Court fees (e.g. filing pleadings and any motions)
  • Arbitration fees, if applicable
  • Legal research costs
  • Office expenses (e.g. fax, copying, stamps, etc.)

You will be responsible for paying any outstanding medical costs and repaying Medicare, if applicable. This is usually paid out of your take-home award (net award minus the attorney’s fees).

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney in St. Augustine

For more information, contact Canan Law, skilled personal injury attorney in St. Augustine, at (904) 849-2266.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15