5 Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Motorcycle Crash

broken motorcycle on the road accident site

Being injured in a motorcycle accident can be a traumatic, scary, and stressful experience. But, the battle doesn’t end there. Oftentimes, ensuring you receive fair compensation from the insurance company will require you take the right steps following the incident.

We see many mistakes made after motorcycle accidents that can harm an injured rider’s case without them even knowing it. Below, we discuss five mistakes to make and how to avoid them so that you can protect your rights and maximize your recovery after a motorcycle crash.

Waiting to Get Medical Treatment

If an ambulance on scene does not take you to the hospital after a crash, you should immediately go to the nearest emergency room. Many motorcycle accidents cause serious injuries, however, not all of them are immediately apparent. Brain damage and internal bleeding, for instance, may not show signs or symptoms immediately.

If you wait a period of time to get medical treatment and a proper diagnosis, the insurance company may try to deny your claim by stating that there is insufficient evidence directly linking your injuries to the motorcycle crash. Additionally, getting seen by a doctor right after the accident will show that you took the steps necessary to mitigate your injuries.

Giving a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company

Right after the motorcycle crash, you can expect that an adjuster from the insurance company will give you a call and ask for a recorded statement. While this person may put on a friendly demeanor and act like they are trying to help you, do not be fooled. They are trying to get you to say something that could potentially be twisted to invalidate your claim.

For instance, the adjuster may try to ask you specific, tricky, or confusing questions about what caused the accident or how bad your injuries are. At this point in time, you may not even have the information or be in the right headspace to answer questions accurately. Inconsistencies between your future claim and the recorded statement can be used to deny your claim.

Venting on Social Media

After a traumatic event, many people turn to social media for support from friends and family members online. However, think twice before you hit “send” after being injured in a motorcycle crash. Insurance adjusters will probably attempt to monitor your online activity when you file a claim to see if you post anything that could be used against you.

When it comes to social media during a pending motorcycle accident claim, the best advice we can give you is to avoid posting anything altogether. Even if your account is set to private, there are sneaky ways that adjusters may use to see your photos, posts, and comments.

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

Insurance companies are not interested in the well-being, happiness, or health of their claimants. Instead, their primary goal is to maximize profits by either denying claims or lowballing settlement offers. With that in mind, don’t expect the insurance company to offer a fair first settlement offer!

Instead, your attorney can gather all the evidence needed to show the entirety of your damages, including those related to your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Then, they will compare your total damages to the settlement offered to you. If the settlement is too low, then your attorney will negotiate a higher one on your behalf.

Not Hiring a Qualified Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Remember that insurance companies are biased against motorcycle riders, making it that much more difficult for injured riders to get fair compensation for a claim without an attorney. One of the biggest mistakes you can make after a motorcycle accident is trying to handle your claim on your own.

A qualified motorcycle accident attorney at our firm can help you avoid the mistakes listed above and ensure that you are taken care of throughout the entirety of your case. While many people are under the impression that they cannot afford an attorney, the ones at Canan Law work on contingency fees, meaning that clients pay nothing and we only collect fees if and when we help win them compensation.

We’re Here to Help Get Your Life Back on Track

Nobody expects to be injured in a motorcycle crash, but when the unexpected happens, turn to Canan Law to help get your life back on track. Our Saint Augustine motorcycle accident attorneys will ensure that your case is built on solid ground while guiding you through the claims process from start to finish.

Get over 85 years of dedicated legal experience in your corner today by calling (904) 849-2266! We offer free, no-obligation consultations and clients pay nothing out of pocket to retain our services.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15