Common Motorcycle Storage Mistakes All New Riders Make

motorcycle under a tarp parked on a sidewalk outside of a gate

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Storing Your Motorcycle

Motorcycle storage is an important part of owning and riding a motorcycle. When done improperly, it can lead to long-term damage and costly repairs. This blog will discuss the five most common mistakes riders make when storing their bikes and tips for how to avoid them.

Storing Motorcycles Outdoors

One of the most common mistakes riders make is storing their motorcycle outdoors. While this may seem like a convenient option, especially for those in Florida, it can be quite damaging to your bike. Outdoor storage exposes your motorcycle to the elements, which can cause rust and other damage. In addition, thieves are more likely to target bikes that are stored outdoors. If you must store your motorcycle outdoors, be sure to securely cover it with a tarp or other protective material.

Not Changing the Oil

Changing your motorcycle's oil before storing it is important for several reasons. Old oil can break down and turn acidic, which can damage your engine. In addition, old oil can contain contaminants that can clog your engine's moving parts. Changing your oil before storage will help keep your engine clean and protected.

Storing a Dirty Motorcycle

All motorcycles should be properly cleaned before going into storage. This can include washing the exterior, cleaning the engine, and polishing the chrome. Storing a dirty motorcycle can lead to damage and make it more difficult to clean when you take it out of storage.

Not Checking the Tires

Another common mistake riders make is not checking the tires before storing their motorcycle. This can cause the tires to become flat or damaged over time, especially for extended periods of storage. Be sure to check the pressure in your tires before storing your motorcycle. In addition, storing your motorcycle on a stand or other support can take pressure off the tires and improve their longevity.

Forgetting to Maintain It While in Storage

Motorcycles need to be properly maintained, even when they are in storage. This means checking the oil level, tire pressure, and other vital components on a regular basis. If you neglect to maintain your motorcycle while it's in storage, you may run into problems when you try to ride it again.

One of the biggest problems with forgetting to maintain a motorcycle is rust. Rust can occur on any part of the bike that is exposed to the elements and can be difficult to remove. In addition, rust can cause damage to the bike that may require extensive repairs.

Another issue that can occur if a motorcycle is not properly maintained while in storage is damage to the engine. This can be caused by a number of things, including lack of oil, incorrect tire pressure, and exposure to the elements. Engine damage can be expensive to repair, so taking care of your bike while in storage is essential.

Following these tips can help ensure your motorcycle stays in good condition while in storage. It's also important to remember that motorcycles need regular maintenance even when they're not being stored. By taking care of your bike now, you'll save time and money down the road.

St. Augustine Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Just like with other motor vehicles, maintenance issues can be the cause of a motorcycle crash. In many cases, this failure to maintain the motorcycle can be considered negligence and the grounds for a personal injury claim. Our St. Augustine motorcycle accident attorneys aid those who have been injured due to someone else’s negligence. To get started with a free consultation today, call (904) 849-2266 or fill out this short form.

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