How to Prepare for Your First Attorney Meeting


After you decide to get help from a Palatka accident lawyer for your injury case, you might wonder what the first meeting with your lawyer will be like. The Palatka accident attorney will likely have some specific advice for you before your first meeting, but here are some general things you can do to prepare:

Take Care of Yourself

  • See a doctor and get treatment for any pain or physical difficulties you are experiencing. Don’t try to prolong your injuries just to drive up the price of your claim. Try to see a doctor you already know rather than getting a referral from your Palatka accident lawyer.
  • Ask your doctor if you should take time off work to recover. If the doctor says the decision is up to you, consider whether it is worth the pain and discomfort you feel to go back to work.

Gather evidence

  • Your Palatka accident lawyer will do his own investigatory work, but it would be useful if you obtain pictures of anything relating to the accident, such as the subject automobile or the place where it occurred (if a premises liability case). Have these pictures developed immediately and send them to your Palatka accident lawyer.
  • Have damage to your car appraised as soon as possible and send the report to your Palatka accident attorney.
  • Obtain the names, contact information, and addresses of any witnesses to the accident, especially those who said they would be willing to testify, and send them to your Palatka accident lawyer.
  • Obtain the police report if you can and send it to your lawyer.

Be Careful

  • Do not discuss the case with any witnesses (other than to get their contact info) and do not discuss the case with anyone else, especially someone from an insurance company. Your Palatka accident lawyer will remind you of this.
  • If you are contacted by an insurance representative, take down their name and phone number and say you are consulting a lawyer who will be in touch soon.

Come Prepared

  • Bring to your first meeting with your Palatka accident attorney any documents relating to the claim: accident reports, doctor’s notes, medical bills, etc.
  • Be on time for your first appointment and do not try to postpone it. Time is critical.

Follow this advice and you will be well prepared to get help from a Palatka accident lawyer. Call the Attorneys at Canan Law at (904) 849-2266.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15