A St. Augustine Car Accident Lawyer Explains How You May Be Affected by a Lawsuit


When you are working with your St. Augustine car accident lawyer, they will explain what you can expect as you prepare to file your lawsuit. Car accident injury lawsuits normally follow the same procedure. Understanding how your case will progress and what it will entail can help you to better prepare.

Initial Investigation of Your Case

Before filing the lawsuit, your St. Augustine car accident lawyer will first investigate your case. They may do this by reviewing police reports and other documents, such as your medical records. They will then draft the complaint, which is the document needed to commence the lawsuit. Along with the complaint, they will also draft a summons to be served on the defendant.

Filing and Serving the Summons and Complaint

The next step is when the lawyer actually files the summons and complaint with the court. They will then serve the documents on the defendant. The defendant then has time to reply to the complaint and file it with the court.


The discovery process is initiated after the lawsuit is started. This involves both parties exchanging information about the case. During discovery, you may expect such things as written interrogatories in which the party must answer questions. In some cases, you and other witnesses may also be deposed and testify under oath in front of the involved attorneys. Your attorney may also need to send copies of the reports and your medical records to the other party, even if they were already sent to the insurance company. This is done when there has been a request for the production of documents. There might also be a request for admissions, which simply means asking parties to agree to certain facts that will not be in dispute during the case.

Trial or Settlement

Leading up to the trial, your attorney may file motions in court. They will then prepare the case for trial. During this time, your attorney may work to negotiate a fair settlement in your case so you can recover the damages you deserve. If a settlement cannot be reached, you will then proceed to trial in court.

Contact a St. Augustine Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a car accident, you may need help. To speak with a St. Augustine car accident lawyer at Canan Law, call (904) 849-2266.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15