Our St. Augustine Divorce Attorney Explains Depositions in Divorce and Child Support Cases


If you are involved in a divorce or child support case, your St. Augustine divorce attorney may want to depose your spouse. Likewise, your spouse’s attorney may want to depose you. Depositions are a normal part of civil litigation that can help child support lawyers in Jacksonville, FL prepare for both settlement negotiations and trial.

What Is a Deposition?

A deposition is a way for your divorce attorney or child support lawyers in Jacksonville, FL to gather information from the opposing party prior to trial. Depositions usually happen at the attorney’s office – never in court. However, this does not mean a deposition is an informal proceeding.

Depositions are conducted under oath, so you must answer each question truthfully. A transcriptionist will be present to record your answers. Your attorney will also be present and may object if opposing counsel asks any improper questions. Both attorneys will receive a copy of the deposition once it is completed.

Why Take a Deposition?

Depositions help your attorney:

  • Elicit information from your spouse that he has failed to provide;
  • Learn more about opposing counsel’s trial strategy;
  • Point out weaknesses in your case;
  • Get an idea of how you perform under pressure, and;
  • Have a way to counter any later lies or misstatements made by your spouse, since deposition statements are admissible in court.

What Can I Expect During a Deposition?

Although each case is different, you should expect your spouse’s attorney to ask you questions regarding your:

  • Finances (i.e. value of checking/savings accounts, real property, investments, etc.);
  • Educational background;
  • Employment and work history;
  • Health;
  • Information regarding your children, and;
  • Proposed custody plan.

We will ask your spouse similar questions during her deposition.

Contact a St. Augustine Divorce Attorney Today

If you are considering filing for divorce or child custody, an experienced divorce attorney can help. Call Canan Law‘s St. Augustine divorce attorneys or child custody lawyers in Jacksonville, FL today at (904) 849-2266.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15