St. Augustine Divorce Attorney Explains 10 Common Divorce Mistakes


Your St Augustine divorce attorney will explain to you that divorces usually involve a lot of emotion. Good or bad, these emotions can hinder the case, especially if there are children involved. The following ten items are things that can delay the divorce process and cause the finalization to be delayed.

Leaving in Secret

If you decide that you want to leave your marriage, you should do so openly. Gathering information about finances and assets in secret and then leaving without notice will cause a lot of distrust between both parties during the negotiations.

Discuss the Divorce First

If you surprise your spouse with divorce papers, you will most likely be met with aggression. It is nearly guaranteed that their St. Augustine lawyer will want to examine everything regarding the marriage extensively to determine the cause of the divorce and how long it was being planned. These issues can be very damaging in a proceeding.

Avoid Nasty Interactions

As your St Augustine divorce attorney will explain, nasty and snide comments towards each other during the negotiations will only cause more trouble and delay closure.

Keep Past Transgressions to Yourself

Relieving yourself of a guilty conscious may make you feel better, but it will only encourage your spouse to be more aggressive towards the divorce as an act of revenge.

Bad Financial Decisions

Emptying the bank accounts or maxing out the credit cards will be harmful to your case. If you do need money, only withdraw half of the bank account and leave the credit cards alone.

Hiding Financial Information

Refusing to divulge all of your financial information during the divorce process will only lead to headaches. It will lengthen the time of the process and increase all legal and accounting fees.

Hiding Assets

Disposing of assets or hiding assets is never a good idea. As your St. Augustine lawyer will explain, private investigators and forensic accountants have a way of finding these items and the Court will frown upon, and most likely punish, the offender.

New Relationships

If you decide to start a new relationship during the divorce process, you will most likely experience anger and jealously from your spouse. This will make the divorce a lot harder to complete.

Trying to Make It Difficult

It is easy to want to make things difficult for your spouse because of the anger and betrayal you feel. However, being difficult during the settlement process will only delay the inevitable and cause legal fees to increase.

Arguing After the Divorce

Arguing after the divorce about the settlement agreement, or more seriously, about the children, will be very damaging to your children and very costly in legal and court expenses.

Speak to a St Augustine Divorce Attorney Today

If you need to file divorce, or have been served divorce papers, you are encouraged to speak with an attorney at Canan Law. Call (904) 849-2266 and schedule your appointment with a St Augustine divorce attorney today.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15