Determining Fault After a Tour Bus Accident


Tourism is a mainstay of Florida’s economy. Whether going to an amusement park, the beach, the everglades, or any other destination in the state, one may choose a tour bus as their mode of transportation. In general, tour buses are a good way for people to travel. However, that doesn’t mean that such journeys are always safe. Just like any other type of vehicle, accidents involving tour buses can occur.

Tour buses, along with other types of buses, are considered “common carriers.” This means that they have a heightened duty of care to keep passengers safe. “Reasonableness” is the standard that is used in bus accident cases. For example, if it is rainy and the roads are slick, a reasonable driver may need to drive below the posted speed limit. In this situation, it may be unreasonable for a driver to speed, as it is foreseeable that doing so might cause a crash.

In addition, there may be a number of parties that may be at fault in a bus accident. Of course, there is the driver of the bus itself. However, the bus company may also be held responsible in some situations. And, if it is a tour bus, then the tour company may also be liable in some situations.

That being said, sorting out liability in a bus accident can be very complex, and while this post is informative, it cannot serve as the basis for any legal filing. Fortunately, professionals are available to help bus accident victims in Florida learn more about their legal rights and options.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15