Florida’s Bad Faith Statute Protects Citizens


Most residents of Florida will be involved in a car accident at least once in their lives. When this happens, they usually rely on their insurance companies to get them back on the road as quickly as possible. One’s own insurance can be especially important following a hit and run accident. If the victim of the accident suffers a serious injury and the responsible driver cannot be found, then the victim will have to rely on their own insurance company to compensate them.

Insurance companies have the right to insist that they pay only what they agreed to pay. However, many companies use their legal and financial bargaining power to muscle through a deal that leaves the victim getting the short end of the stick. Even if the agreement technically allows it, this sort of practice just isn’t right, and Florida law recognizes as much. The law specifically prohibits insurance companies, or rogue employees adept at bending their company’s policies, from engaging in this sort of aggressive bargaining.

The law prohibits several common techniques insurance companies have historically used to pressure their customers to accept settlements that are not in their best interests. If an insurance company engages in such techniques, then the victim can recover additional compensation from the insurance company. This compensation can even exceed the limits of the insurance policy.

However, pursuing a claim for statutory bad faith can be complicated, and it involves certain procedural hurdles. For these reasons, it is often best to discuss claims with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15