What Can I Do If the Other Driver Is Never Found?

Car with wrecked bumper

A driver who negligently hits a pedestrian or another motorist but refuses to take responsibility and instead drives off commits a crime under Florida law.

Moreover, that driver also leaves his or her victim in a real financial pinch, since the victim will likely have medical bills and other expenses related to an accident he or she did not cause but still has to pay.

Ideally, the victim, with the help of the police and others, is able to track down the hit-and-run driver so the victim can sue and get the compensation he or she deserves from the person who, in justice, should be the one to foot the bill.

However, if the victim cannot locate the driver, getting compensation may still be possible, although it will depend a lot on the terms of the victim’s own insurance policy.

In Florida, for instance, most drivers carry what is called personal injury protection insurance, or PIP. Designed to provide compensation quickly and awarded on a no-fault basis, an injured victim may be able to get in the ballpark of $10,000 compensation on account of PiP coverage.

Likewise, many motorists may also purchase what Florida law describes as uninsured motor vehicle coverage. As the name implies, if a victim has this coverage, the victim’s insurance company will pay compensation should the victim get injured by an uninsured motorist, including a driver whom police never find.

While many drivers in Florida have these coverages, actually reading through one’s insurance policy and then filing and prosecuting a claim for these benefits can be complicated and difficult. A skilled St. Augustine, Florida, hit and run auto accident compensation lawyer can be very helpful in getting a victim the compensation he or she needs.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15