Tips for Dealing With Insurance Adjusters


Giving You the Tools You Need to Beat Your Insurance Adjuster 

 Dealing with difficult or rude insurance adjusters can be one of the most challenging parts of filing your personal injury claim. At Canan Law, our attorneys are experienced in working with insurance adjusters. The following insights and pointers may help ease the negotiation process.

Tips for Dealing With Insurance Adjusters

  1. The character of the defense firm hired by an insurer reflects the character of the insurer itself. Insurers that tend towards conservatism in their handling of claims usually engage strong defense firms with tough negotiators. Carriers who take a less aggressive stand when dealing with claimants will usually engage defense firms who may be rather more flexible;
  2. More and more women are entering the field of insurance adjustment, so your attorney’s chances of working with a female adjuster are quite high. In general, women adjusters are skilled professionals and expect professionalism from the attorneys with whom they work. Hardball tactics, sexist jokes, or prejudiced attitudes are inconsistent with the behavior expected of a professional person and will certainly backfire. Respect, discretion, and good sense are far more likely to prevail;
  3. By understanding the character of the adjuster, whether conservative or more reasonable, your lawyer can begin to build a rapport that will facilitate the negotiation process and benefit everyone involved;
  4. Part of building the aforementioned rapport is gaining an understanding of the adjuster’s interests outside of the case at hand. By engaging the adjuster in pleasant conversation, your attorney helps the adjuster to relax and feel comfortable, thus facilitating a positive working relationship. Listening skills are crucial;
  5. Regardless of the adjuster’s style or personality, arguments or personal attacks are useless and counterproductive. The adjuster does not have the final word in determining the settlement. This rests with the supervisory authority to whom the adjuster reports, so an angry outburst aimed at the adjuster can only cause harm; and
  6. Willingness to consider the adjuster’s evaluations can go a long way towards a successful settlement. An adjuster who represents a reasonable insurer may present an assessment that makes sense and merits an equally reasonable response from your attorney.

Seeking experienced, qualified assistance is the first step in the resolution of your claim. Contact a St. Augustine injury lawyer, Patrick Canan, by calling (904) 849-2266 today or contacting us online.

Canan Law

Serving St. Augustine, FL Since 15