Spousal Support Or Maintenance In Florida
Alimony, also called spousal support, support or maintenance, is generally defined as financial assistance given from one spouse to another after the marriage has dissolved. Depending upon the circumstances of your marriage, you or your spouse (regardless of gender) may be eligible to collect alimony. It could be temporary or permanent. It could be provided in a lump sum or over a specific time frame. However, before the court determines any sort of alimony arrangement, it will look at various factors based on individual circumstances.
Factors Courts Consider
There are many issues courts will look at when considering a spousal support award. For instance, if you and your spouse are married for a short period or both hold regular jobs, then it is unlikely a court will award any spousal support.
Alternately, if only one party earned most or all of the income, then alimony may be considered. This can apply if one party stayed home to raise your children as a stay-at-home mother.
Other factors courts utilize to determine alimony include:
- The standard of living established during the marriage
- The marital assets of the parties
- Contributions each person made to the union
- Time needed for an individual to obtain education or training
- The age, physical condition, emotional condition, educational background and employment potential of each spouse
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